Over the last couple of years, the Logan County Solid Waste District under the direction of the Logan County Solid Waste District Policy Committee and the Logan County Commissioners have been working diligently to update the OHIO EPA Solid Waste Plan for Logan County.
This is a comprehensive plan that covers a planning period of 15 years (2023-2038) and describes future and current programs provided by the District and insights to meet the solid waste and recycling needs of Logan County while ensuring compliance with the state goals that are required by the Ohio EPA.
I am pleased to announce that the Logan County Solid Waste District Policy Committee did receive plan approval from the Director of the Ohio EPA.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Logan County Solid Waste District at 937-599-1253.
In August 2021 the District completed a draft of the plan, which was submitted to the Ohio EPA. A non-binding advisory opinion was received from the Ohio EPA September 2021. After addressing Ohio EPA’s comments, the District held a 30-day public comment period, followed by a public hearing on June 7, 2022. Now we are at the point in the process where we will be seeking ratification from our political subdivisions. For this plan update, we are required to obtain a 60% approval rate (based on population figures) from the townships, villages, and cities within our district.
The 90-day ratification period for this plan will begin on June 16th and close on September 14th of this year. For the District to receive ratification status required by the State of Ohio, 60% of the political subdivisions must review the plan and pass a resolution or ordinance declaring said approval. For your convenience, sample resolutions and ordinances are included in this packet. It should be noted that failure to act during the 90-day ratification period will result in an automatic “no” vote from your jurisdiction, which could prevent plan ratification. (Should the District fail to receive an approved plan, the Ohio EPA may write and impose a state-issued plan for the District, thus removing any local control or input into programs required of communities with the District.)
As mentioned above, in order for the District to receive an approved plan, we need the help of our political subdivisions. During the 90-day ratification period (from June 16th and close on September 14th, 2022), we are asking that your local officials assist us by doing the following and review the Solid Waste Management Plan.
On behalf of the Logan County Solid Waste Management District, I would like to thank you in advance for your assistance in obtaining an approved solid waste plan for our district. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or any other member of our department at (937) 599-1253. You may also email me your questions at the following address: office@logancountyrecycles.com