CO2 Science: Focus on the science of greenhouse gas emission highlighting research projects from around the globe and assists companies reporting on GHG emissions.
Container Recycling Institute: Great site for information on bottles, cans, and related data.
Grassroots Recycling Network: Informal international network of professional working in all areas promoting recycling and zero waste.
Green Biz: Leading information resource on environmental issues and business. Gathers reports and information from around the globe and reports weekly.
GreenBlue: Focus on transforming the design of human industry based on principles found in the productive systems of nature. Green design, green packaging, educational tools.
Green Seal: Green Seal is independent, non-profit, promoting manufacture, purchase, and use of environmentally responsible products and services.
Keep America Beautiful: Non-profit working to beautify the environment, natural and city scapes.
National Recycling Coalition: International organization working through other organizations to increase recycling.
Pew Center Global Climate Change: Non-Profit, non-partisan with mission to provide credible information, straight answers, and innovative solutions to address global climate change.
Real Climate: Climate science from climate scientists. Very informative, often very technical.
Recycle A Bulb: A business site of Veolia Environmental Services through which you can locate information about and places to recycle mercury containing light bulbs.
Zero Emissions Research & Initiatives: International network of creative minds seeking solutions to world challenges seeking solutions kusing nature’s design principles. Fascinating section for children in English and Spanish.
Zero Waste Alliance: Serious business applications of zero waste with case studies, information, and referral.
Zero Waste International Alliance: World wide business and community examples of zero waste implementations.
Climate Change Education: Amazing site for teachers. Lesson Plans in all curriculum areas with climate change and global warming as background themes. Don’t pass this site up. Many contacts to other ideas and sites. This one is the mother lode for teachers.
Kids Recycle!: Ideas and activities for kids. Many ideas and contacts for teachers.