Interest and participation in recycling is growing quickly in Logan County. If you want to explore recycling at your site, whether your site is a business, a church, a baseball or recreational park, we can help. The Solid Waste District staff is ready to consult with organizations, businesses, and community groups to explore, plan and develop a tailored recycling program that fits your circumstances and needs.
If you have an interest in recycling, zero waste, or composting, contact us or give us a call at 937-599-1253, and let’s explore the possibilities.

Interest and participation in recycling is growing quickly in Logan County. If you want to explore recycling at your site, whether your site is a business, a church, a baseball or recreational park, we can help. The Solid Waste District staff is ready to consult with organizations, businesses, and community groups to explore, plan and develop a tailored recycling program that fits your circumstances and needs.
As much as we are able, we try to provide recycling support for organizations conducting large scale public events. With advance notice and planning the Solid Waste District has recycling containers that can add a green touch to your public event, and reduce trash disposal costs.
Clearstream Recycling Containers are a portable recycling bin to meet your facility or event recycling needs. Clearstream containers are specially designed to promote recycling and minimize contamination, manpower and time.
They are transported easily, set up in minutes and can be monitored just by walking by and observing the clear plastic bags for contents. Importantly, since they are completely transparent they do not attract trash, only recyclable materials.
Contact us to arrange recycling support for your event. Depending on the availability of equipment, the District is able to provide delivery and pick-up. For many events we can provide the materials, transportation, and training for your volunteers to handle the recycling containers.